Tuesday, October 9, 2012


When you were growing up, didn't you despise the kid in class that raised his hand to answer every question?  Didn't you just want to play "Whac-A-Mole" with his head?  Then again, you might have been that kid.  At your school, do you sometimes feel like there's a target on your back?  There's something in all of us that wants the people around us to make the same mistakes we make (or worse).  "You're no better than me."  So, the more you stand up the more people are going to want you to sit back down.  They will try to suck you into the things they're doing so you're just like them.  Deep down, you may want that for yourself.  You might think it would be nice to not stick out so much.  The thing is you would still stick out because of the label you wear.  They'll still talk about you (just for a different reason).  It'll sound a lot like Dennis Green saying, "They are who we thought they were!"  Suddenly your actions aren't just yours.  They're directly associated with your savior. 

At the end of the day, all we can do is our best.  Still, the wisest thing we can do is be on our guard.  Is there someone you know who seems to drag you down?  Who has the ability to get you to do things you know are a bad idea?

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